The 3 prices of private universities in France

We invite you to find and discover, in this article, the prices of private universities in France for the academic year.

Indeed, before leaving to study in France, you must first have an idea of ​​the costs of studying in French universities.

Moreover, as in almost every country, there are several types of universities in France, namely:

Each type of university has its own specificities and its own study prices.

Moreover, in this article, we will only focus on the prices of private universities in France.

The price of public universities in France will obviously be the subject of another article!

In addition, private universities in France are considered to be among the best universities in Europe.

Indeed, France has more than hundreds of private universities containing several hundred study specialties.

Besides, you should note that the cost of studying in French private universities is significantly more expensive than public universities in France.

This is because the French State provides part of the cost of studies in public universities in France.

However, the State does not cover the cost of studies in private French universities.

So, let’s discover together the prices of private universities in France for the current academic year!

The price of Private Universities in France

The prices of private universities in France vary mainly according to three factors, namely:

  • The study cycle
  • Study specialties
  • And, the private university itself

Indeed, each private university in France can charge the prices it deems fair.

Moreover, we are going to focus mainly on the costs of studies at French private universities by cycle of study.

So, let’s discover together:

  • The price of French private universities in Bachelor.
  • The price of French private universities in Masters.
  • And, finally, the price of French private universities for MBA and M.Sc.

As you can see, we are not going to focus on the Doctorate cycle, since the majority of private universities do not offer this cycle of study in their courses.

So, let’s find the different costs of studies in private universities in France.

1. The price of French private universities in Bachelor

The registration fee in private universities in France for the bachelor’s degree varies according to several factors.

Indeed, we can distinguish two main categories for the price of studies:

  1. Study specialties
  2. And, the private university itself

Moreover, given the large number of private universities in France, and the number of specialties in each French private university, we cannot list all the prices of studies.

Thus, we are going to show you an average price range for the study cycle concerned.

Besides, you should note that you can find prices higher or lower than in this average interval.

Indeed, the prices of studies for the Bachelor in French private universities start from 2800 € per year and can reach up to 6600 € per year depending on the specialty of study and the university itself.

So, you can have further information about study prices by contacting the private universities in France of your choice.

2. The price of French private universities in Masters

The registration fee in private universities in France for the Master’s degree varies according to several factors.

Indeed, we can distinguish two main categories for the price of studies:

  1. Study specialties
  2. And, the private university itself

Moreover, given the large number of private universities in France, and the number of specialties in each French private university, we cannot list all the prices of studies.

Thus, we are going to show you an average price range for the study cycle concerned.

Besides, you should note that you can find prices higher or lower than in this average interval.

Indeed, the prices of studies for the Master in French private universities start from 3700 € per year and can reach up to 9900 € per year depending on the specialty of study and the university itself.

So, you can have additional information about study prices by contacting the private universities in France of your choice.

3. The price of French private universities in MBA and M.Sc.

The registration fee in private universities in France for the MBA and M.Sc. degree varies according to several factors.

Indeed, we can distinguish two main categories for the price of studies:

  1. Study specialties
  2. And, the private university itself

Moreover, given the large number of private universities in France, and the number of specialties in each French private university, we cannot list all the prices of studies.

Thus, we are going to show you an average price range for the study cycle concerned.

Besides, you should note that you can find prices higher or lower than in this average interval.

Indeed, the prices of studies for the MBA and M.Sc. in French private universities start from 5300 € per year and can reach up to 16500 € per year depending on the specialty of study and the university itself.

So, you can have further details about study prices by contacting the private universities in France of your choice.

As we mentioned before, we are not going to focus on the Doctorate cycle, since the majority of private universities do not offer this cycle of study in their courses.


Thus, to conclude our article, the prices of studies in private universities in France for the current academic year vary according to several factors.

As we mentioned during this article, the costs of studies in private universities in France vary according to:

  • The study cycle.
  • Study specialties.
  • And, the private university itself.

But, if you want to have additional information, contact the private universities in France of your choice.

In addition, you can also have the opportunity to study for free in France.

Also, we invite you to discover, the cheapest private universities in France.

All you have to do is find a scholarship available in France for French and foreign students.

Moreover, the best scholarships in France can help you cover part or all of the costs of studying at a private university in France.

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