The 3 registration formalities for universities in France

We will see together all the steps, formalities, procedures and dates of registration for universities in France to study for a Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctorate.

To pursue higher education in France, French, Belgian, Luxembourg and other foreign students must follow formalities and dates to enroll in a French university.

Moreover, as you will see, there is a procedure to follow to apply for registration, depending on the level of study and type of university.

You must follow the procedure to the letter to be able to study in France.

So, we will mainly see two things about enrollments in France in universities:

  1. The process to follow to register in a university in France according to the level.
    • Register for a license at a university in France.
    • Enroll in a Master’s degree at a university in France.
    • And, register for a doctorate in a university in France.
  2. All the opening and closing dates for university registrations in France for each level.
    • License registration dates.
    • Master registration dates.
    • And, the dates of doctoral registrations.

We begin.

NB: Don’t forget that you can study in France for free.

The 3 registration formalities for universities in France

The steps or procedures to follow to register in a French university are simple, but they are not identical.

It can be said that there are 3 variables that determine the process to follow to send an application for admission or registration:

  1. Your Nationality: French, European or international.
  2. The degree to be obtained: Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctorate.
  3. The type of French university: public or private.

In the following, we will talk about the variables a and b.

  1. License registrations at universities in France.
  2. Master’s enrollments at universities in France.
  3. And, doctoral registrations at universities in France.

However, you can see:

We begin.

1. License registrations at universities in France.

The steps to be followed by French and foreign students to send a registration request and to register for an undergraduate course in a public or private university are different.

A. Undergraduate enrollments in French public universities:

In general, the deadlines for registrations for a license (first cycle) in a public university in France begin from the month of December of year N-1 until the month of September of year N.

Thus, French, Belgian, Luxembourg students and other foreign students must start sending their registration requests (pre-registration or admission request) from January.

On the other hand, French, Belgian, Luxembourg students and other foreign students begin the main admission phase in June and July.

To apply for registration (pre-registration) in the first cycle (mainly first year of university) in a public university:

French, Belgian, Swiss and European baccalaureate holders or students must send their registration requests via the ParcourSup website.

However, other baccalaureate holders and foreign students must send their registration requests via the EEF Pastel France website.

Once you have sent your license application to the French public university via the platform that corresponds to you, you will:

  • Pass selection interviews with the candidate selectors of the public university.
  • Take language tests or skills tests with universities (possible).
  • Complete your application file.
  • Confirm your registration request.
  • Started the main admission phase.

If you pass the previous steps, you must pay the price of undergraduate studies at the French public university to finalize your registration.

For more information, you can read the article on enrollment in public universities in France.

B. Undergraduate enrollments in French private universities:

In general, the deadlines and formalities to follow are too flexible to enroll in the first year at a private university.

Thus, the deadlines for registration for a license (first cycle) in a private university in France begins from the month of January of the year N ( for example) until the month of September of the year N or even more depending on the private university.

On the other hand, all students must follow the same procedures.

Indeed, French, Belgian, Swiss, Luxembourgian and international baccalaureate holders or students must contact French private universities directly.

Therefore, students must send applications to private universities via:

  • Email.
  • University platform.

Once you have sent your license application to the French private university, you will go through selection interviews with the candidate selectors of the private university.

You can also take language tests or skills tests with universities to be able to obtain admission to a private university.

If you pass the previous steps, you must pay the price of undergraduate studies at the French private university to finalize your registration.

For more information, you can read the article on enrollment in private universities in France.

2. Master’s enrollments at universities in France.

In general, the deadlines and formalities to be followed are more flexible to enroll in a master’s degree at a university in France.

In addition, in general, with a few exceptions, in the master’s degree, the same procedures must be followed for registrations in public and private universities.

By the way, French, Belgian, European and other foreign students must follow the same process.

Indeed, French, Belgian, Swiss, Luxembourgian and international baccalaureate holders or students must contact public universities or French private universities directly.

As a result, students must send master’s registration requests to French universities via:

  • Email.
  • University platform.

On the other hand, the deadlines for registration in a master’s degree (second cycle) in a university in France begins from the month of January of the year N ( for example) until the month of September of the year N ( for example) or even more depending on the university.

Once you have sent your master’s registration application to the French university, you will go through selection interviews with the candidate selectors of the public or private university.

You can also take language tests or skills tests with universities in order to gain admission.

If you succeed in the previous steps, you must:

For more information, you can read the article on:

  • Registration process in France in public universities.
  • Registration process in France in private universities.

3. Doctoral enrollments at universities in France.

In general, the deadlines and formalities to be followed are more flexible for registering for a doctorate in a university in France.

In addition, in general, with a few exceptions, in the doctorate too, there are the same procedures to follow for registrations in public and private universities, for French, Belgian, European and other foreign students.

Thus, French, Belgian, Swiss, Luxembourgian and international baccalaureate holders or students must contact public universities or French private universities directly by email or via the site or a specialized platform.

On the other hand, the deadlines for doctoral registrations (third cycle) in a university in France begin from the month of January of the year N ( for example) until the month of September of the year N ( for example) or even more depending on the university.

Once you have sent your doctoral application to the French university, you will go through selection interviews with the candidate selectors of the public or private university.

If you pass the previous steps and you obtain an admission, you must:

The conclusion

We have seen throughout this article the steps, formalities, procedures and dates of registration in universities in France to study for a Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctorate via the ordinary path.

However, you should know that you can study in France for free via scholarships.

However, you can study abroad for free in other countries other than France.

Now you need to know the prices of studies in France :

For this purpose, you can consult the:

  • Price of public universities in France.
  • Prices of private universities in France.
  • And, cheap private universities in France.

So, do not hesitate to contact universities for more information.

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